Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mack's Inn

Every year since Scott was young his family has camped in Island Park. We have only been 3times since we got married, This past August we went up and had a blast.

Jonas and Clary Sage sleeping on the drive

Jonas floating down the river

All the cousins trying to catch fish out of the river

   Yellowstone at Old faithful

 We love to camp and we do so whenever we get a chance. Going on this camping trip Scott and I knew that this was the last time we would use this tent. It has seen many great camping trips and also so pretty nasty wind and rainstorms. It has been quite a faithful tent but it was time to put it to rest. So instead of just throwing it away we thought we would let Jonas rip it apart with his knife. He had so much fun and then he cried for an hour because he was sad it was "dead"