Last week Scott turned 30, AHHHHH I'm married to an old man... he he just kidding I Love you Scott! Jonas had such a cute idea for Scott's birthday. A few days before his birthday Jonas told me that we should sneak over to Scott's work after he fell asleep and decorate his office for his birthday. I thought it was such a good idea and was so excited that Jonas' thought of this all by himself that I couldn't turn him down. So this is what we did...
Jonas is taking swimming lessons still and just loves it. Now that it is getting cold here the outside pool is closed so instead of swimming outside before his lessons Jonas likes to hang out in the hot tub! He loves it!!!!!
Jonas and I are starting our home school on the upcoming Monday! (another reason I need to get my house in order by this weekend) We are both so excited about it! I figured with the upcoming surgery it would be a great distraction for him in the hospital as well as something else to focus on other than the pain! Also I figure this is our last few months with just the two of us at home before the baby and that I should really take advantage of that time and get into a schedule with school! So we will see how it all goes and I will let you all know!
I'm glad that you are starting to feel better! I was asking Hailey what she wants to be for Halloween and she said that first she needs to talk to Jonas about it. Me and the girls are going to be coming to Utah again on the 20th. We should get together if you are feeling okay.
Wow...You've got a lot on your plate. I know...I've been there! baby...homeschooling....It's a lot of work, but you're an excellent mommy and you can do it!
Congrats on the house and baby and good luck with your homeschooling adventures!
Daddy's office looked super cool, guys! Nice work! I'll bet he was sure surprised.
As for the tired trouble, oh man do I remember that!! I get that same way when I'm pregnant- EXHAUSTED! I hope you get chances for a nap here and there. Take care darlin'. :)
Oh, I remember those days all too well...the days where you feel like you can't even open your eyes. I have vivid memories of putting on a movie, giving ali whatever snacks she wanted, and lying on the couch trying to sleep some. Sorry that you have to go through this PLUS unpack into a new house...I literally can't even imagine! If you find any good sites for doing Jonas' school, throw them my way! I need to get going with's just so hard with you soon shall find out :)
I can't believe that you're going to home school. I'm so proud of you. I can't wait for Aaron to go to school. I need a breather some days. Hope your mom is able to stay for a while.
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