This is as deep as Jonas would let us bury him in the sand
At the end of August our rental agreement on our town house expired and we went into a month to month contract. We have been debating on weather or not to stay here or find a home to rent. We plan on buying or building next summer. I REALLY REALLY dislike where we live. We have cranky oldies on one side of us and dancing queen singing gays at 2:00 am on the other side. We have no yard for Jonas to play in and just way too little space for our stuff. With a baby coming we have NO room for baby stuff! With that said I decided to grin and bear it till next summer. Torture yes I know. Well yesterday I just happened to find an add for a home in Smithfield with 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, 2000 sq. ft., a fenced in back yard with a huge play set in the back. All for $625 a month, way less then we are paying now! We wanted to go to Smithfield so I thought this had to be too good to be true, it must be a whole in the wall! I made an appointment to go and see it and it was AWESOME!!!!! It's an old home and EVERYTHING in it is NEW!!!! It was gutted and all redone! I was so excited! I asked how many had looked and they said they had at least 30 people looking. So I filled out the application and went home just wishing and hoping! By the time I got home my phone rang and it was the renter telling me they would like to rent to us! I AM SO EXCITED! I just feel like we could live more comfortably and have a nice place to stay until we do find our own home next summer! We move at the end of this month! So now I am busy packing!
CONGRATS! It'll be so nice to have some space again. Good luck with the move and make sure to pass on your new contact info.
HOORAY!! I'm so glad you got it! Life is so much nicer when you live in a place you're comfortable in. We used to live in a duplex where we heard our neighbors fighting all the time, sometimes it would get physical, and we'd call the cops. That was not my favorite place to live. So, congrats on the new home! And a fenced in back yard is my biggest dream right now! Someday. :)
Yeahhhhhh! Oh Crystal, I am sooo excited for you guys! You totally deserve it. Good luck with the packing and all!
Congrats on the new place and the BABY! Hooray for you guys! So happy for you all!
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