As I just mentioned we went camping this last weekend up at Bear Lake. All I can say is that it was the most miserable and fun trip, if that makes any sense. Joe and Laura came up to camp with us so that made it really special especially for Jonas who is obsessed with Laura. The reason it was miserable was it rained and was very windy the majority of the time, Scott was REALLY sick (I'll get into that later) and Jonas threw up. The few times the sun was up we had a blast! We love camping so we stuck it out the whole weekend so hopefully next time we camp it will be an overall better time!
Scott was really sick all weekend and he is pretty tough so I was surprised to see him in so much pain. By the time we got home on Monday he ended up in the Urgent Care. Not to get too informative he basically hasn't gone number two in two weeks. They took some xrays and said his intestines were so packed that it was shocking. They gave him some powerful colon cleanse which didn't work. So yesterday they gave him the stuff you drink before a colonoscopy which also hasn't worked. On top of it all they ran some blood tests and discovered his liver enzymes were pretty high. Apparently normal levels are around 60 and liver failure is around 1000 and Scott's levels are at 690. So he has an appointment with a GI Doctor next week to see what is going on. Hopefully we can get him better and working properly. So keep him in your prayers. Not to make light of the situation but my mom said today...." I always knew Scott was full of S***" My Mom always knows how to make me laugh!!
Other than that the only other exciting thing going on is not really going on in our life but in my cousin Danielle's! She just had her little baby girl Mia! She is such a doll with SO MUCH hair! We are SOOOO excited for them. It has been such a blessing for us to have them live so close. Jonas and Hailey have become SUCH good friends that they are almost like brother and sister. It has been so good for Jonas to have Hailey over to play. So we are really having Hailey withdrawals over here. We miss her already not having her here during the week. Yet we are excited that we can still play with her all summer! Congrats Danielle and Brandon you sure have the cutest little girls!!!
So sorry to hear about your husband. My daughter had a similar problem - but definitely not as extreme. Hope everything works out in the end! :)
I hope everything goes okay with Scott, we will keep him in our prayers. Hope you and Jonas have tons of fun on your little get away! Hailey says hi Jonas. She wants to leave you a message.
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