On Monday afternoon we were driving downtown Logan and for some reason the traffic was HORRIBLE!!! I was in the median trying to merge and I sat there for ten minutes and NOBODY would let me in. I was a tad bit flustered at this point. Finally there was an opening so I go for it when this young teenager in his brand new little convertible comes out of nowhere steps on his gas and trys to push me back into the median and almost hits me. My windows were all down and he starts laughing and says HA HA I beat you! I was SOOO mad because he almost hit me and I have two kids in the back he put in danger all just to show off his hot new car. So without even thinking at this point of the two kids in the back seat I slam on my horn and yell you "JACK A**" (yes this was my Irish spirit coming out). Immediately I cover my mouth in a little shock that I just said that in front of Jonas and Hailey when Jonas says; "Mom how do you know his name? Do you know him?" I laughed so hard and of coarse told him yeah I know him and was quite happy they didn't know that was a bad word to say.
Yes quite embarrassing that I said that in front of Jonas and Hailey and even more embarrassing that I told all of you that I said that in front of them, but you have to admit for Jonas to say that was just too funny!
Great story. I'm still laughing.
Nice! I'm glad you told that story...it's hilarious! I despise ignorant/younger drivers. But I'm also glad to know that I'm not the only one that gets furious while driving and may occasionally belt out a not so nice word or two.
That was a great story! Just remember that your grandma has a worse potty mouth than you :)
Now that is a hilarious story. I love Jonas's response!
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