Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Weather!

Last week we had some really good weather here in Logan. So we took advantage of it and Jonas Hailey and I went to a different park every day of the week. On one day we went to Willow Park which has a zoo so that day was extra fun! I have been really sick this last week so it was actually really nice for me because Jonas and Hailey would play for hours at the park while I sat on a blanker watching them trying to get some rest.


Danielle said...

last week was way nice. if it ever gets nice again-pictures!

thepalmierifamily said...

That isn't morning sickness is it? Now everyone that reads your comments is going to be asking themselves the same question. :) Hope you feel better. Those two are adorable together!

The Bradley Family said...

I only wish!!!!