I love Holidays! Whenever someone asks me what holiday is my favorite I will usually say the one that is quickly approaching or has just past. I guess simply because every Holiday has something fun and unique that make me like it so much! I will have to say that Easter is really up there on my list. There is so much about Easter that I love that i could go on and on.... I will not do that but I will try to quickly summarize why I love Easter so much!
I love Easter because I love getting Jonas all dressed up in a handsome little outfit! Although this would be the first year I haven't put him in a sailor outfit or knickers. He will thank me for that later!This is Jonas' handsome little Easter outfit this year!
I love Easter because I find it so much fun to watch little kids run around looking for Easter eggs and watching the excitement in the their eyes when they find what the Easter bunny left them.
I love Easter because it is in the spring, and spring is my favorite season. I love the Spring because to me every year it brings a fresh start and new life to this world.
Which brings me to the biggest reason why I love Easter.... because it is such a amazing and precious time to celebrate the gift that our Saviour gave to us.. his life and resurrection so that we may all return to Him and our Father in Heaven again some day. What an amazing and truly precious gift that is!
This year was really a fun and interesting Easter. On Saturday it was Jonas' cousin Max's second birthday. So we spent the evening celebrating his birthday and decorating Easter eggs. Jonas was feeling a little under the weather and every time he stopped moving for more that two minutes he would fall asleep.Max's Birthday Party! Jonas sleeping during Max's birthday party!
On Easter morning Jonas woke up feeling miserable. Scott and I both woke up to him screaming because he was so excited to go look for his basket but was panicked because he couldn't open his eyes because they were matted shut!
Yes this is not the cutest picture but it was typical of the morning, Jonas looking miserable but having so much fun!
Jonas had so much fun looking for his basket, Easter eggs, and tiny cereal boxes the Easter bunny left for him to find! We got a lot of fun picture but I would say 90% of them had Jonas either sneezing or coughing in them. The Easter bunny really spoiled Jonas this year and got him a Tonka dump truck, sidewalk chalk, the Bug's life movie, a book, and tons of candy! (thanks Grandma and Grandpa Wilson for sending so much to contribute!) Jonas was REALLY excited, he wanted the dump truck for his birthday and didn't get it so he was so excited the he got it from the Easter bunny!Look at all that loot!
As the day went on Jonas continued to get more sick. We went to Scott's parents ward and during sacrament I thought he might have pick eye. Scott and his mom were pretty sure he didn't have it and Jonas insisted he was fine and wanted to go to his Grandma and Grandpa's for the Easter egg hunt. So we did and he had so much fun!
Scott trying to out do the master of stubborn attitudes!
I tried to get some Easter pictures of Jonas but with him feeling so sick it really just didn't work out
By the time we got home the bags under Jonas' eyes were almost black and swollen out at least a 1/4 of an inch, So Monday morning I took him to the Doctor and Jonas has Pink Eye and Walking Pneumonia! Nice hunh! I feel so bad for the little guy but with some pretty powerful antibiotics in him he is on the mend and starting to feel so much better. All he really cares about is getting better so he can play with "his" Hailey again!
My handsome little man
This picture is kind of scary and sad. Those eyes are looking so evil yet so sick!
Hack Fliegendes Auto Pubg Shroud
3 years ago
oh so sad, but so cute that he was still trying to have so much fun & be involved in it all. what a cute little man. your fam picture is really cute. i love ALL holidays to...they are wonderful! and so much fun to decorate for. i hope he recovers quickly for you!
Man, what an awesome Easter basket! I'm sorry to hear that Jonas is so sick! No fun! That last picture captured it perfectly. Get better soon.
I love Jonas's easter outfit. Oh so handsom. Hey when Hailey and Jonas are on top of it again lets do some pictures:)
Oh...poor guy! Leave it to children to get sick on the holidays! He still looks so stinkin' adorable in his Easter outfit though...like a little man. Can we come to your house next year for the Easter Bunny...he HOOKED Jonas up!
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