"Wow!!! That was weird..... I just tooted and Blessed you at the same time!"
How cute that he found it so weird that he tooted and sneezed at the same time but also that he thinks a sneeze is really called a Bless you!
Also I wanted to share this picture of Jonas after he put on his own "lipstick" it took me forever to figure out what it was but it was s blue crayon. I can honestly say I NEVER knew a crayon could do this!!
Last Friday I took Jonas and Hailey sledding. It was such a beautiful day and the kids has SOOOO much fun!!! I am here to tell you that Hailey is the funniest and most daring little girl I have EVER known!!! At one point the sled was going down the hill by itself and she just took off after it dove on top and continued to ride the sled down the hill, then jumps up at the end and yells that was AWESOME!!! Like I said they had a great time and I hope I can take them at least one m ore time before spring hits! So here are some pictures of Jonas and Hailey's fun adventure!
Thanks so much for taking them sledding! Hailey talks about how cool it was every day. Last night we were eating those brownies you gave us and Hailey was really quiet and thinking. Then she said, "Crystal is really awesome huh!"
You both have adorable kids. I blame it on the Wilson genes.
I think it's funny that Jonas and Charlotte both thought the same thing about sneezes too. Can you tell they're the same age? :) I'm so glad for moments like that. They make my day.
What a good mom...I literally have not taken my kids anywhere this winter in the nasty weather! Seriously...I'm not really a snow kinda girl!
Jonas is so flippin' cute! That video cracked me up! He talks a million miles an hour. We should note that Ali and him should never get married 'cause they would breed children who never shut up and were constantly hurt all the time--she too is the world's biggest klutz!
You are such a good mom! My poor boys have been couped up so much this winter because i've been so sick! Jaxson still talks about Jonas and going to the corn maze! We really need to get together again! Hope you are all doing well.
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