Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jonas and Clary Sage Rose

Before Clary Sage "rose" (Jonas added the Rose and we decided that was ok) was born there was a slight worry about Jonas with the baby. He repeatedly told us how much he did not want a baby sister. Well my worry was quickly put to rest. Jonas is just absolutely in love with his baby sister. He just can't get enough of her and Clary responds to his voice more than anyone else's. With out fail if she is crying he will sing I am a child of God to her and she will calm down. It is just amazing! So here are a few pictures of Jonas with his baby sister and a cute little video at the end.


Leslie said...

I love that he came up with his own name for her! Too cute! You have some beautiful babies! Congrats on the new addition!

Danielle said...

Ahhh how sweet!!!Clary is lucky to have such a great big brother! They really are both so cute!

thepalmierifamily said...

Welcome Clary! You have a big brother to take care of you (and steal all of your toys for a while).