Saturday, November 28, 2009


As of today the baby is Half Baked! How exciting is that! My ultrasound is on Friday and with Jonas we didn't find out what we were having. I have to admit it was so exciting not to know and I was bound and determined not to find out with this baby. Yet for some reason this time around I REALLY want to know and Scott does not! I am thinking of finding out and not telling him but that means I can't tell anyone else. I don't know..... What do you all think I should do?????


thepalmierifamily said...

I personally would find out and not tell (although it would be really hard to not spill the beans). The other thing you can do is have the tech write it on a paper and put it in a sealed envelope that you can open if need be.

Pedersen Posse said...

I vote find out. It's already a surprise. That way if it's a girl, you can be prepared ahead of time.