The morning after my Mom arrived Jonas my Mom and I drove up to Rexburg to see Chelsie and Audrey. We had so much fun spending time with them. We got to tour Audrey's school (Paul Mitchel Beauty School) and my Mom even got her hair done there. I, quite proud of Audrey you can tell she really is enjoying what she is doing and is really quite good at it as well.
On Sunday afternoon Jonas, Chelsie my Mom and I headed down to American Fork to spend some time with my Grandparents. We had so much fun with them and once again Jonas loved the attention of both his grandma Wilson's' and his great Papa Wilson.
On Tuesday my Mom came with us to the hospital and stayed with Jonas and I until Friday. I am so thankful for my Mom and that she took off so much time at work to be here with us. I defiantly needed my Mommy this last week to get me through the week ! And I know Jonas absolutely loved having her here. Thanks so much for coming out Mom! We all love you and miss you so much!
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