Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Back in Mid July Jonas had to undergo some psychiatric evaluations for his burn case back in Ohio. Scott was unable to take off of work to go with me. Knowing that it would be quite a challenge for me to travel with Jonas and Clary Sage alone I was able to take Chelsie with me and we were able to turn it into a trip back to Wisconsin to see my Mom and Dad as well. We had such a fun trip and it was so fun to spend time with them. Although it was really hard to go and see them and not have them live in the home we all grew up in anymore. So here are some pictures from our adventure to Wisconsin and Ohio

 We visited the ice cream shop that is in the town we used to live in in Ohio! Great stuff and even better memories!
 Jonas and Grandpa at the Manitowoc zoo

 I miss Lake Michigan sooooo much

 Grandpa helping Jonas with all the sand in his bum crack.

 As my Mom say this picture of my Dad and Jonas is the same picture just a different year. Jonas LOVES driving Grandpa's boat. It is by far his favorite thing to do with Grandpa
 This smile says it all----- he love Papa's boat
 Jonas and Grandpa had quite some odd bonding moments this trip such as Grandpa getting sand out of Jonas bum at the beach and this..... helping Jonas pee over the side of the boat
 Of Coarse no trip is complete to Wisconsin with out going to Bay Beach. I have so many fond memories growing up and this place

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