Well it's now been almost a week since I have been home and I am just now getting around to "try" posting about it. I don't know what it is about vacations no matter what I do I am just so exhausted for a week! Anyway.....
On June 9th Jonas and I flew out to Wisconsin to spend a week with my family! Audrey graduated from High School on the 13th so my parents were nice enough to fly both of us out there! It has almost been two years since I was last home so it was so nice to go back and to bring Jonas with me! He was looking forward to it for weeks he was just so excited, and I don't think there was a moment he was disappointed. He had non stop fun and was non stop spoiled with attention!!!!

On Saturday night my Dad, Jonas and I cleaned out the boat so we could all go out for a boat

This is a picture of the seagulls following us out of the harbor!
We had sooooooooo much fun in Wisconsin! It was pretty sad to leave. My parents are trying to sell their home and our family dog Maddie is getting pretty sick, so as I was driving away it was making me sad to think that it could be the last time in my childhood home and the last time I see our amazing dog!!!
On Wednesday night we were all able to go to Milwaukee to a Brewers game! It was actually quite fun! We had some pretty comical drunks in front of us and they were pretty entertaining, I think we all watched them more than the game!
On Thursday My Mom, Audrey, Jonas and I went to the Manitowoc Zoo (big time Zoo, yes I know) and then went to the park and did some shopping! We also spent the day getting ready for Audrey's graduation party! It was really a fun and yet relaxing day!

On Friday was Audrey's graduation party and Saturday was her graduation! Both days were fun yet so exhausting! It was so fun to see some of my aunts, uncle's and cousins I hadn't seen in a while! My old choir teacher and dance coach came to Audrey's party so it was fun to see them and catch up with them again! What was odd was seeing all the kids graduating with Audrey. I remember watching them all play together when they were only 5 years old. Some them I even babysat when they were young, it all actually made me feel quite old! So congrats go out to Audrey! The youngest of the kids has now graduated and is about to leave the nest, I feel sad for my parents it will be hard for them not to have any of us home next fall.

ride! Jonas was so excited about cleaning out the boat, he kept on saying "Man, I am getting this baby clean, I am such a hard worker on getting this baby clean.
We all had fun on our boat ride but My Dad and Jonas I am sure had the most fun! My Dad would let Jonas drive the boat and it sure made him feel so important and cool!!!On Monday we headed down to Bay Beach in Green Bay! It was quite a fun little adventure! I think if we had let him Jonas would have stayed there all day long. Unfortunately I went on the "tilt a hurl" and was motion sick the rest of the day! Really stupid of me, yes I know!
Jonas and Audrey on the Scrambler!
Grandma, Jonas and Audrey on the big slide!
Waiting to go on the tilt a hurl
I think this is a great picture on the train!
Later that night we went on another boat ride over to Manitowoc, docked the boat and went to an ice cream parlor!
Thanks so much Mom and Dad for treating us to such an amazing vacation! It was so much fun!!! We love you and miss you all so much!!
On Mother's day this year Jonas got my mom a card that sings You are my sunshine. While we were in Wisconsin he carried the card with him everywhere! So below is a video of him singing to my mom before we left for the airport!
It looks like you and Jonas had such a fun time! I can't believe how grown up he is looking!
Wow, what a fun trip! I can't believe the youngest just graduated from high school! Time flies.
Sounds like you guys had a great time! It's always nice to go home and catch up. I can't believe little Audrey isn't little anymore. I agree with Julie! Time sure does fly!
Yay for Wisconsin! :)
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